When chief commercial officer Kari Lehto started working at Arnon in the fall of 2020, he listed his goals: to bring more purpose-driven and methodical ways of working to Arnon and to create growth in solution sales for selected customers. How have these goals been achieved?

A lot has happened in Arnon during the last year. Acquired in the spring of 2020, the Swedish company B.O. Park, has merged with Arnon, and the two have found shared working methods.

– Knowledge and know-how move across the Gulf of Bothnia in both directions seamlessly. Working together, we develop a broader and stronger understanding, which is reflected in practice, for example, as new approaches to customer work. Arnon’s strength has long been a mutual partnership with our clients. In a relationship of shared trust, the client account can be grown systematically and extensively. The customer, in turn, benefits from Arnon’s expertise in the best possible way. We have brought this thinking to Arnon’s Swedish partnerships, Lehto says

“Arnon’s strength has long been a mutual partnership with our clients.”


Arnon’s customers in many sectors struggle with similar challenges: reducing emissions, saving costs, digitalization, and information security. As a provider of automation, electrification, and digital services, Arnon can offer intelligent solutions regardless of industry.

– By utilizing customer-specific action plans, we have a shared understanding of which things and goals are most important, and we achieve the best possible results together with the customer, Lehto says.

Arnon’s different locations in Finland, Sweden, and Poland support each other as and when needed.

– We have already completed several projects in which we utilized the capacity of each of our operating countries, Lehto rejoices.


Arnon refined its strategy in early 2021. The purpose of the company’s existence remains the same: Arnon is an intelligent integration partner for your future. Arnon had already achieved some of the must-win battles the company had previously set. In the case of some objectives, it was time for refining. The changes have been implemented in practice for example by redistributing process responsibilities and specifying interfaces.

– When we have approached customers with our new perspective, our ideas have been enthusiastically received. We are a partner who succeeds in this changing world – innovative and reliable. Together with the customer, we make change possible, Lehto says.

Lehto, who feels his role at work is that of a starter, praises the ability of the entire organization to cooperate.

– My strength is to question the working methods to which we’ve gotten  accustomed to. I encourage the team to expand their thinking beyond the usual boundaries. My role is to motivate and inspire, and to bring in the market and sales perspective. To my delight, this works well at Arnon, Lehto says.


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