We provide our customers with solutions that help them improve their productivity and make more efficient use of resources. We want to have a positive impact on society and the environment. We strive to reduce the adverse environmental impacts and to continuously improve our operations. We take into account economic, environmental and social responsibility.

EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating 2022

The EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating awarded to us shows that we are on the right track. In 2022, we ranked among the top 24% when compared with all the companies that have sought recognition in the EcoVadis assessment.

Practical examples of our sustainability actions include the solar panels at our Österhaning office, which in the summer months produce more than double the amount of electricity needed. We sell the surplus electricity to the grid. In wintertime, the solar panels generate approximately 50% of our electricity needs. Thanks to the ground source heat pump, we have managed to reduce electricity consumption in the cold seasons.

Code of conduct

Our Code of Conduct guides us to pursue profitable business in a responsible and sustainable manner, including economic, social, and environmental issues, promoting the long-term interest of Arnon and its stakeholders.



Our whistleblowing channel  is open for anyone to inform Arnon of any abuses. It is important for us to be able to intervene in any shortcomings and improve our activities. To ensure anonymity, the whistleblowing channel is administrated by an external partner.

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